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8 pieces of wisdom we can all take from Paris Hilton

She has a better stance on drink driving than the Healy-Raes.

amfAR New York Gala 2017 Source: DPA/PA Images

TEN YEARS AGO, Paris Hilton was one of the most influential people in the world. Little kids and teenage girls aspired to grow up and have a carefree life, partying with their best friends and dogs just like her.

Today, Paris is still having a laugh. A serious laugh, considering the fact that she gets paid about $300k an hour to DJ in Ibiza.

Recently she’s been involved in a SodaStream April Fool’s advert as well as in a nostalgic feature on W Magazine, going through some of her favourite fashion trends of the 00s. There’s still a lot we can learn from Paris Hilton today.

1. Don’t drink and drive

MTV's TRL - Total Request Live - Leicester Square studios Source: PA Archive/PA Images

In 2007, RTÉ (yes, our RTÉ) reported that Paris Hilton shared a message on MySpace saying:

“remember to be responsible and have a designated driver! Just looking out for you all. I love you and have an amazing summer!”

This was after she had served 23 days in jail for an alcohol-related driving case. This shows 1) she was able to turn things around and hasn’t had a DUI since and 2) she has more sense than the Healy-Raes.

You can argue all you want that this should be common sense, but that doesn’t change the fact Gardaí are arresting 500 people for drink driving over certain three week periods. Listen to Paris Hilton.

2. When you’re at a party that isn’t fun… Just leave

2000s babes Source: W Magazine

leave Source: W Magazine

This is solid advice for all social situations. You have the best time possible if you leave when it’s no longer fun. Don’t wait around for it to get fun again.

Paris Hilton can have anything in the entire world, but she is quoted saying that she hates parties after 2am, “after that point it’s just all losers and weirdos”. As you get older you realize that is definitely true.

3. You’re never too good for Lidl

You can say that this is a sign that her career is gone to the dogs, but evidence says otherwise. She gets paid up to $1 million per night DJing, which means she has hardly fallen on hard times.

There’s no shame in being proud to associate yourself with Lidl and Aldi. Aldi’s Specially Selected range is life changing.

4. Don’t feel like you have to explain yourself to anybody

Mexico: Paris Hilton Launches her New Shoes Collection Source: SIPA USA/PA Images

Paris Hilton once said “I don’t really think. I just walk”. Is this about experiencing dissociation or is it deeper than that? For her entire career she has been mocked and called unintelligent and has never once argued with any critique of her intellect.

She has just cashed in on people calling her a ditzy bimbo instead. As she says herself, she wouldn’t have gotten as far in business as she has if she was just a dumb blonde. (Ok, maybe the rich parents help a lot, but she has made it very clear that the persona is an act).

Source: mycomeup/YouTube

5. Cherish your pets

Again, it’s worth bearing in mind that Paris Hilton is incomprehensibly wealthy. Yet the one thing that is probably most important to her has always been her dogs. Look at the house that accommodates Hilton’s huge family of dogs:

27fd173fb2b158a16045b8a39058407d Source: Pinterest

She kept her most famous chihuahua, Tinkerbell, from when she was born until she died two years ago of old age at 14.

6. It’s important for girls to be confident

Cannes: amfAR's 23rd Cinema Against AIDS Gala Source: DPA/PA Images

One thing that Paris Hilton is, is extremely confident. She has never worried about what people say about her, whether it’s that she’s ditzy and stupid or accusations of being ‘slutty’.

Her unrelenting confidence means that she has never felt the need to change her personality because of other people’s opinions. Paris Hilton truly believes that everyone and everything is hot. She’s extremely down to earth and it only takes a few minutes of watching any episode of The Simple Life to see that.

Paris believes that all you have to do in order to be treated like an heiress, is act like one.

7. Try to be more self aware

2015 Summerfest Music Festival Source: Daniel DeSlover

Paris Hilton is under no illusions of how the public perceive her and she’s definitely the first person willing to joke about it. See her April Fool’s video with SodaStream for evidence of this:

Source: SodaStream Italia/YouTube

8. Appreciate the stupid things you do with your friends

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When you watch over Paris and Nicole manically giggling about messing things up, it’s very easy to think of how fun secondary school was.

Whether it’s something as simple as spilling milk all over the home ec room or your friends drink coming out of their nose unexpectedly, you will relive those painful belly laughs a hundred times over if you watch this show back over.

Incredibly, The Simple Life is now 14 years old. That’s really scary.


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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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